Airplants, also known as epiphytes, are plants that originally grow on trees, other plants, or rocks. They belong to the Bromeliad family. They derive their nutrients from the air, including oxygen, particles, and rain/high humidity, which is why they are called airplants.
They do this through the scales or trichomes on their leaves, which also protect the plant from harsh sunlight. They have almost no roots, instead using them to hold onto their host plant, such as a tree.
Tillandsias almost always produce offspring, called Pups, after their blooming period. These grow on most Tillandsias between the lower leaves.
During their growth, they push aside the leaves of the mother plant for light and nutrients.
Tillandsias are mainly found in tropical areas such as Central and South America. The thin-leaved ones are found in rainy areas and the thicker, gray-leaved ones in drier areas. Did you know that there are more than 500 different species?
"They are easy to take care of; you don't need to have a 'green thumb'."
Airplants love fresh air, so do not place them above a (burning) heater.
"They also like hanging outside in a not too wet summer!"
They prefer indirect sunlight, but in the winter full sunlight is also fine.
Spray your plant(s) with a plant mister once or twice a week (preferably with rainwater). Then, turn them upside down to dry so that no water remains between the leaves, preventing rotting.
In nature, wind and sun help dry out the water between the leaves. Do not let them stay wet for too long. To give extra care, give your plant(s) a bath in lukewarm rainwater where they can soak for about an hour.
On a nice day, take them outside! Remember, it’s better to underwater your plant(s) than to overwater them as they cannot recover from too much water. Compared to other plants, air plants can survive longer periods without water, about 4-8 weeks.