Hanging Tillandsia Caput Medusae in black sea urchin

The Tillandsia Caput Medusae has a very perculiar shape. The thick bulb at its base and its curly leaves give it a likeness to Medusa, the snake-haired lady from Greek mythology.

This Tillandsia blooms in spring. The blossom is a lovely violet flower in the center of the plant.

This type is native to central America and Mexico.

It is a strong and easygoing plant that does well in bright light.

Spray twice a week with rainwater in summer. In winter, it suffices to spray it twice a month. Shake it thoroughly and dry upside down to prevent rot from water left behind on the bulb.

The sea urchin has a diameter of 6 to 8 cm.

12,50 (10,33 excl. BTW)

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